Firstly, you can define an ecosystem by the way the soil or geology interacts with vegetation, climate and animals in a specific area. Biomes are defined as the result of the local differences in a specific area. Different natural vegetation types are produced by shared physical climates. In biomes you will get fauna and flora living together with some degree of permanence.
A biome has a type of grazing and browsing capacity which will determine the type of animal it can support. The veld condition plays a major part in the biome's ability to sustain a certain capacity of animals. Veld conditions can be influenced by natural occurrences or veld management by humans. There needs to be a balance in grazing for growth stimulation and resting to prevent overgrazing ultimately resulting in erosion. A healthy ecosystem will recover rapidly and a common indicator is the presence of a wide variety of species. There are a number of veld types within each biome and each type contains a certain climate referred to as a microclimate that provides habitat variation. Wildlife species can often be present in more than one biome but certain species will dominate a specific biome depending on the adaptations to the local conditions.
Climate, topography and the presence of plant and animal communities define seven broad ecological biomes in South-Africa. The terrestrial biomes are known as savannah, grassland, desert, fynbos, forest, Indian Ocean coastal belt and Nama and succulent Karoo.
The above-mentioned biomes only cover the terrestrial biomes. There are about six aquatic ecoregions also recognized with their own diverse fauna and flora. Wildlife species will not usually be found outside of their distributing area, making identification easier if you know your area. For further information about biomes, there is a wide variety of distribution maps for plants and animals at the species level available online.